Do you ever hear someone say to you:
"Oh, if you were just here five minutes earlier..." or "If you had applied or called us a few months earlier..."
Is it just me?? Do you find yourself saying that to someone?
Have you ever had the feeling of a hot, searing knife cut down into your heart when you hear that phrase? I have. Trust me, it's not fun. Maybe that is why I refuse to say that phrase & why there is empathy for others who have also "missed out".
Wanna know something great?? I mean, really, Really, REALLY great? God wants you exactly the way you are, TODAY! Think about it - it isn't some contest to enter & if you are lucky you can win out of 10 billion entries - no, God wants you to turn over your life to Him, now!
...yeah, you heard right. You're not late, there is no time delay, no reason for the mail to be late. Today the one who created ALL the universe (and beyond) with only a spoken word.... He wants your heart, your voice, your love that others have rejected. He wants to share in your life.
He is available when you even think about Him - isn't that cool? No charges, no "Oh, I'll have to get back with you when I am available." He is ALWAYS wanting to talk, to hear, to really listen to your heart's cry, to your rejoicing.....
and He picked YOU!
This image is of Laminin - a molecular structure that literally grows in your body, holds you all together, to put it simply. Your Heavenly Father not only planned for you from the beginning of time, but He has also planned on YOU being HERE during this time - He knows everything about you & loves you anyway. He knitted your body together in your mother's womb, knitting this Laminin in with you.... why wouldn't He care about you? He's crazy about you!!
Go ahead, just ask! You'll find out:)
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