Are you ready to give up? Are you working at whatever God has given you to do, and it all seems like it is nearly too hard of a task - or it isn't working the way you feel like it is supposed to?
Trust us - we have been there! There are many times when it feels like all you can do is hold on- hard! That is "hold fast". Hold fast, your continuance will be proving itself to be indeed what God has given you to be done, and it WILL have been worth the efforts of your work.
There have been times I may have been discouraged or feeling like what we are doing is being thwarted on every turn - then I would see "Joe" at his "post". Joe has his own self-appointed job.... he stands at a particular stop sign in all types of weather... waving and smiling at everyone who goes past. Day in, day out, Joe waves and smiles.
One particular day as I was leaving work, there was Joe. The joy coming from his smile literally changed my whole attitude & it reminded me of how I need to be responding each and every day - Christ is in my heart, and through Him, there are never meant to be any bad or discouraging days! It is only when my eyes are taken off of looking at Christ and refocused on why getting on the field is taking so long, that my heart loses the encouragement of Him.
Will you stand with us? Will YOU help pray us onto the field by the end of June? Will YOU help us out by telling others of us & what God has set us out to do? Have you yet pledged monthly support? Will you? Just look to the right, where it says Pioneers - it will link you directly to help set up your support for us.
Thank you, it has been made evident that we are needed on the field. Help get us there! Let's hold fast together:)
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