Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So, what do you DO during the week????

The interior of a bus in Budapest

Meeting with others - this is at English Bible Study

Somethings aren't as easy to figure out what they are...

The inside of a street car - some are newer, others aren't
Well, often our weeks are filled with meeting people - on the street, in the shops (we need to shop 3-4 times a week here since there aren't preservatives in foods or sprayed on the veggies and fruits), and in many of our outreaches.  There are ministry events at least 2-3 times a week, every week, and each one lasts a minimum of 2 hours +.

  When people come to visit, we serve as guides to Budapest and beyond (bring your walking shoes!) We are often out for 8-10 hours a day on those days!
   It is said that here in Hungary (in the city), if you get two (2) things accomplished, that's a really successful day! Things take longer here. Sometimes you have to go from one building for meat, another building to buy milk, another building to get something made of plastic, another store (in another building) to buy twine…. you get the idea! There are more and more supermarkets/markets coming up all over, but many are small little mom/pop stores that may have a great variety of items, or may not. Having owned a mom/pop business, we try to help them out as much as possible.  At the piac (pronounced Pea-atz, which is a farmer's market), there are many of these small mom/pop places in one area. Some will just sell plastic bags for trash, some will sell kitchen items, others sell flowers, others may just sell what they have - random things, but you can feel the oppressiveness of poverty around them. God sometimes nudges us to get something from them, or something from some other vendors. In many ways, the piac is like a regular farmer's market, too, though ours has a few booths of our famous Vecsesi Kaposta - YUM!! (It is a sweet/sour sauerkraut with many veggies in it - gorgeous and delicious!)

   Maybe another reason that things take so much longer is that if people have a job, they aren't in a real hurry to serve you most places. The markets may have up to ten people in a line, and only one or two check stands open.  Customer service desks are incredibly slow on the average. One time it took me an hour to get a warranty validated!  Other reasons may be the travel between where you need to go, and how to get there. Main streets in the states are usually full of stores with advertisements drawing you in. Not the case here - often you will find a store in the middle of a neighborhood with a small sign. If you didn't know that store was available, you never would have found it!

  Today, we were true overachievers! We got five things done! We had the privilege of mailing our ballot at the Posta (Post office); going to the ATM; Shopping for some things we needed; Arriving at our team meeting; and Kurt is even now helping a brother in Christ with a car while I am working on this blog.

   That also brings up more things that we do - paperwork/ computer work and LOTS of acts of service! Kurt has been enjoying the chance to change up the way neighbors look at one another. Normally, everyone takes care of his own sidewalk/lawn. Period. Don't step over the line of the property. Well, when we moved in, I baked cookies to take around and Kurt started shoveling snow for neighbors; sweeping snow; weed whacking for them… all sorts of things! Now it is kind of a game - see if you can beat the neighbor trying to pay you back for your help! The help is tremendously appreciated, even though many don't want to say, you can tell.
   Kurt has also been able to be a blessing to others with some vehicle problems they may have, or to help mow the lawn at the Barka, as well as regularly set up chairs while I (Carrie) am often making coffee for the people that will be coming and setting out snacks.
    So, weekly our goals are to be a blessing to others - maybe in ways that can surprise them or just to lend a listening ear. Even though we may not understand everything, many heart issues can be understood, and prayer requests encouraged. We are here, after all, to show others through your help, what a wonderful, tremendously loving God we have and we try to do that nearly any way we can.

One of the informational tables you may have seen for us

Kurt mowing at the Barka

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dancing with the Trees

   The fall here has been beautiful. The other day I was off to encourage some friends & after I spent some time with them, I drove up the road a bit towards one of my favorite places that reminds me of being in the mountains, somewhat.  On the way there, the road twists and turns on itself quite a bit, (which is another reason it is my favorite), and with every bend, the trees were lined up alongside the road, one color after another - some plum, some yellow, some red, some still green, some brown and nearly bare. It was like watching a fancy ball with all the ladies' dresses passing by as they swung around the room!
    The sun kept playing hide-and-seek, highlighting first one tree, then another with no rhyme or reason, other that to have a special show of the glory of God for me as I drove along the road.
    Curving around another bend, I slowed as I came upon a gorgeous red fox with it's big, bushy tail straight out behind as it crossed the road. The colors of the fox picked up the color of the trees on either side of a yellow one it had just passed, making the fox look like yet another decoration for this beautiful autumn day.
  Up a hill, down into a hollow, a thatched roofline over an old, long, house - a style they call "peasant house" that has a long covered porch along the side. The place offers food and a place to sleep as the owners try to make ends meet on a road that tourists or locals living there drive along, yet don't often stop until they get to their destination. Hope still lights the man's eyes as he walks out, hearing a car coming up the road, then passes on like so many others. People don't stop like they used to - stop to breathe the air, stop to take photos from certain places, stop to just gaze at valleys or hillsides or just to give thanks to the One who created it all. I am guilty of that, though I gave plenty of thanks as I drove along looking at the colors of the hillsides changing and the way the light played and the structures of the trees really starts to show again after the leaves fall.
    How many of us are those who hear and hope with anticipation, yet once again others are too busy to stop and talk to us?  Or are we the ones who have the Hope of Christ within, yet zoom by, 'too busy' or too afraid of being rejected, or too afraid to try?  People are stopping, people are noticing that we have something NOTICEABLE within us... and hope....will you take time to stop?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pathways We Are Leaving

Renaissance era gate in Zadar, Croatia

Old brick road in Zadar, Croatia

Slick-worn marble streets in Zadar, Croatia
 Working and traveling this summer with camps and supporters gave us many chances to thank God for good roads and sidewalks.
    Looking at all these photos (Believe me, there are thousands!), I was thinking about the paths that we are leaving - and you are leaving- for others… Will they be straight? Will they be strong? Will others easily be able to follow them, or would they have to look through a lot of debris to even find such a path, hunting for the bent twig, or a fiber on a piece of grass?

  What kind of path do you want to leave? I know there are those who want to live 'under the radar'. But, is that truly LIVING?

  Jesus calls us in Matthew 4:19, "And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."

and in Mark 1:2 "As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: Look, I am sending My messenger ahead of You, who will prepare Your way." (of course, he is speaking of Jesus here)
  But how many people helped to prepare your way? it may be through a business, it may have been through the donations for grants or scholarships, it may have been through our Veterans (THANK YOU, ALL!!), or even as 'simple' as our parents, friends, relatives and mentors.

  When we were on those very slippery streets in Zadar, streets of marble that millions of people, horses & other animals have trod - not only was I very thankful it hadn't rained or was icy - but I was astounded at the realization of HOW MANY feet it took to get the marble so smooth! Imagine if you will, the cement sidewalks where you live so worn down and slippery that they look like glass, yet there is a lot of wear in them to go! This is one of many times it has occurred to me that we live in an old place, not new like the USA.  (By old, I am meaning the thousands of tribes, cities, civilizations, wars, etc over a relatively small part of the world).
  Then, I think of the millions of people who have gone before us with the Torah, then the Old Testament and then the New Testament - wow, what a HUGE, precise road they have prepared for all of us now! The Bible is still one of the most accurate and concise history books in the world! So many scientists, archaeologists and scholars have discovered new things, thanks to the words contained in the Bible.

  So, now this challenges me - what kind of path do I want to leave?….  (You can help us leave a great path! Do you know others who would be interested in hearing what we have to say? Who would like to know how people here think, or what they are thinking? We will be back in the States and available to speak starting in January. We would love to speak to a group of people you know!! Could you help arrange a time and place for us? It is only through your recommendations that it could happen...

Saturday, August 2, 2014


   Wow - July flew quickly! We had lots of camps, a conference, a too quick visit with one of our sons and his wife and back for more camps!  Plus, we did our normal ministries of 'helps/service' and hospitality in-between.
Ladies' "Chat" at English Camp

Patchwork Camp

English Camp
  Now, Kurt is off for more kid's camps - minus a couple of soccer balls that only lasted two camps - the kids love to play SO much, and the chance to play with an actual soccer (futbol) is so rare, that they just plain old wore out in 3 days from all the use!
Kurt helping to rotohammer out some walls at a friend's home.
   Now, off to do some laundry before we head to more adventures! We covet your prayers and thank you for your financial support!!!  (If you would like to help - we could really use it! There are two links on the right:)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What Joy to be Gathered with the Brethren!

  We have been astounded and encouraged by meeting together this last week with other servants in many lands at a conference with International Ministries.  There are SO many God stories that we have heard and shared. Life that God has worked His heart into, weaving His compassion into compassion for others; Calling unbelievers into the Kingdom of Heaven; Special 'interruptions' into God appointments; Normal life into Life Everlasting; encouraging some who came for a music seminar into looking deeper into their lives and presenting different opportunities to allow them to catch a glimpse of what it's like to serve overseas. Plus, just thinking of the International Ministries' 200th year gathering celebration….. 200 years of missionaries being sent out from the US! Wow!
  This was just a small glance at this past week. Now we head back early to serve with Hungary's largest national outreach (English Camp), with people from Pioneers. It is a bittersweet leaving. We made a commitment to assist them, but we are leaving this conference at a tremendously crucial time for us. Next week is THE WEEK to be here at this conference at Green Lake! We would be able to mingle and meet many people from many churches and regions around the US and Puerto Rico, places that could provide vital prayer support and possibly financial support for us - and we have to leave, trusting God (once again) that He will provide places for us to speak, people for us to meet this coming December through March. This is frustrating, but we are called to honor our first commitment we made.
  Will you pray for us and with us that God will provide fabulous, miraculously wonderful appointments for us? We are below our minimum support, so you can see why this is so important. Language school has come out of our own salary for this last year, we need to upgrade old computer equipment when we go back among many other things, and it looks like Carrie will need to move up a time for her knee replacement.  So, please pray!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Things We Are Getting Used To (Part 1)

   There are some anomalies that occur when you live anywhere. Some are colloquialisms, like "skosh" from the Pacific NW; "fixin' to" from the South; "Pahkin ya cah" from Boston.  There are other things you scratch your head and mutter, "Well, this must be what it's like here…."  such as perfectly good roads where you stop every few miles, throw in change to a funnel and proceed on (or off) & thank Heaven you have saved up your change!  Or, driving miles and miles without having to do that… now what do you do with all that change??  Or, espresso stands on nearly every corner….. or not, and you haven't seen them for days & are going through withdrawals… Or going into a really popular restaurant that is 'local' and nearly everything is fried but the coffee… or nearly everything is fresh and says whether it is vegan, Gluten Free, Lactose free, Free Range, Politically correctly raised/grown, or helps keep small insects from being annihilated from the planet.

   Well, there are things to get used to here as well. Like saying "Hello, szia, szia "(pronounced, see-ya) when you say 'good bye'  and saying "Szia!" when you say 'hello'.

   Then there is getting used to cars being dirtier after it rains than beforehand… this is due to the Sahara   as it ever encases the continent of Africa & the prevailing winds suck up some of the sand to deposit it elsewhere in the rain… like Hungary.  It is also taking some getting used to when there isn't sand deposited on the windshield after a rain - I find my self thinking, "Hmm, something's odd here…. oh yeah!"

   Then meat shopping is quite different here - and also different than many other places even around Budapest - they all have their 'local cuts' which may be totally different than somewhere 10-20 km away! (These are in large, supermarket- type stores) There are neighborhood meat stores as well…
I never really expected to find chicken feet (cleaned) and other odd bits as a marketable item. So, sometimes, as a mostly spur-of-the-moment-cook, we have mostly vegetables and rice… other times, I have been able to guess what this part of meat could be, so we give that a go, or pass.

   You get used to stocking up when you can - an oddity here…. especially when it is something on sale during "English Days" at the store, or, "Italian Days" or "Asian Days".   Sometimes the items just aren't in, even though they are advertised to be so…

   You get used to being looked at as though you have grown three heads all of a sudden - especially when you are asking for an item at the pharmacy or the store that you thought was carried everywhere!
(This is after the 'victory' that they actually understood your Hunglish!)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

God is So Good


Sikerül! (Success)!- Our latest half year of language classes was very helpful, whether that was from the way things were taught or that the initial culture shock of the last year has worn off - only God knows, but we are done for now. Continuing on will be determined by costs. We have been paying this last 6 months out of our own salary, since the extra money allocated for us was used up with last year's classes.

We have also been able to complete the purchase of our vehicle, thanks to many of you helping out in that matter. It is a 2000 Opel Zafira and is easily adaptable to our many ministry uses that we employ.

(This weekend, it will be used to help move it's former owners to their first house that they purchased).

Thanks to some of you as well, Carrie's knee replacement surgery last fall has been very helpful. Recovery has been daily improvement.

We covet your prayers for:

There are lots of camps coming up this summer - The Bárka's retreat; Patchwork Camp (quilting); English Camp; and many smaller day camps around for Hungarians and it's speakers in nearby nations. The latter type of camps are day camps where children may have never had a chance to go to a camp. They are served breakfast and lunch, with lots of activities and teaching about God's word.  We will be assisting our local friend and brother "P" with these camps in word and deed.

We will continue to host a number of people coming through the Budapest area - some we have never met before… all daily life!

We ask for prayer for "Bones" and "Non"- two young men Carrie saw on the metro last week. Both extremely lost. Pray also for "Double Crosser" and continue in prayer for "Blackbird",  "Upside Down" and all the people who 'hang out' with these mentioned. God is at work here, but so is the enemy. The more Jesus makes an impact, the more the enemy's cage is rattled - especially since the enemy knows it's a losing battle!

... Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in
this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.  " Ephesians 6:18

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Life 102

Christine lends a hand
Friends from Hungarian class learn how to make US pizza
  Making pizza - I had no idea it would be of interest to others!  Well, one rainy April day I decided it would be a good time for a second cooking 'lesson', and this time there was more than one student:)
  Our language class has had people literally from all over the world. This leads to many interesting conversations, topics and ideas. One is food, another is customs.
  So, when I asked one of the ladies what she would like to learn how to make, pizza was the first thing that came to mind.
   We had such a fun day, and it was a great break from classes, yet continuing to spend time and enjoying our growing friendships with each other.
   We had the added blessing of one of our  guests from 'home' join us while we learned from each other.
   I think we have all acutly missed some special occasions from our native lands that have made life more special, but we try not to think of them too long, lest the longing for home overtake us. There is a bravery that comes from living overseas along with special flexibility and adaptability that must take place. I have learned from "N" that no place is really the same - ingredients you get in one country may not be available at all in another, or at a very high price. "G" has taught me the privilege of keeping some traditions alive at home. "I" has encouraged me with finding joy and life by delving into the culture. "T" has taught me that it's ok to miss home and some of the people & to let them know as well as others around you. "V" has taught me the value of the time spent in one place (these traveling shoes may learn yet). "N" has taught me the emphasis of maintaining what you believe, even if others may disagree. "P" has taught me that life is precious, and freedom is even more so.
   "and do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried.  For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them.  Instead, seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you."  Luke 12:29-31

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thoughts to ponder and pray over

    We have had a very mild winter here in Hungary & lo ‘tis now spring. It seems like everything is trying to bloom at once, nearly out of order with when plants normally do so. As I write this, I am in our backyard near the garden area in the sun (with a sweater on) and swinging on the bench swing.
 Horse and Wagons in many places still

    This year has been one of many trials - not just language, but in our relationships with those here and those at home as well as with each other. It has been an excruciatingly lonesome year for me, especially since phone calls (even with a local number in the states) have been few and far between.  Messages have been left, but it’s tough to keep a time change in mind. Letters have been even fewer. Of the many we sent ‘home’, we know of three that made it. In this world of ‘instant’ communication, I guess I expected more chances to talk with many here as well as at home. Life goes on and I try to wade through as best as I can & keep trying to reach out, whether anyone listens or not.

    It reminds me of sitting on this swing - if I just push with one foot, the swing goes crooked, out of kilter & eventually you crash into a post if you push hard enough. If I swing with both feet pushing, it goes straight and trouble free, mostly. Relationships take pushing together, even for introverts. If one is always pushing, eventually they are tired and give up.

     I had also never expected to go through such an intense grief process this last year. There has been a grief of letting go of EVERYTHING we have ever known. Allowing God to keep us pushing forward for His kingdom. When you follow, there is a price to pay. There are pray-ers, nay-sayers, supporters, scoffers, listeners, doubters, encouragers, false accusers, people who think you are downright crazy, prayer warriors, false friends; prayer warriors, supporters, those friends who stick by you anyway, prayer warriors, new people you have the privilege to meet and more supporters. It’s not an easy road, but you see the value of those who are truly praying for you, for those who are your supporters and the people who are true friends.
My Homemade GF Pogacsa (special biscuits)

     People can be some or all of the above at different times - including us as we kept challenging ourselves before heading to the field (Is God really calling us out there?), which is a good thing because there have been times this last year for both of us when we would have packed it in if we didn’t KNOW that we were called to be here.
     We have seen fruit of our efforts and those of others, even in our first year, though, PTL! We feel blessed because we know some have been on fields where it was 10, 20 years or a lifetime with NO visible evidence that they were making any difference for the Kingdom. Thank you prayer warriors for your help!  Thank you supporters, for your help! Without ALL of you, (every single one of you), nothing we have done/learned this year would have been accomplished!

     I will update you more in our newsletter, which I am also working on at this moment, but I also knew there are those of you who follow this blog, and for that, we are also grateful and humbled! If you would like to get our emailed newsletters (or snail mail ones), just let us know your email address and we will include you.

    Still trusting in Him and others.....
Homemade Broom in Ukraine

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Those Wild Bikers!

    One of the first days we were here in our little town, I saw a mother and daughter riding their bikes through the town and they proceeded to shop. The daughter was in her 50's, I suppose, and the mother was in at least her 70's. "How cute! "I thought, "Good for her!" (the mom) to be riding a bike so late in life…

    What I once thought was an anomaly - it certainly would be in the States- is more the norm here! People have been riding their bikes or walking everywhere for a very long time, especially during the times of socialism and communism, when having a car was only for the very privileged.  It also makes great sense in a country where gas is at least $7.50/gallon. No need to use all that gas if you are only going a little way. You will often see people of all ages - especially 'older' people- riding their bikes many places.

   The variety of bikes is also quite astounding! When I was a kid, my folks refitted an old Schwinn to make it look pretty new… gold with a gold banana seat and those high wing handlebars with gold handle grips.  I swear, that bike is over here by the thousands, but the seat has often, though not always been changed out! There are also old rusty contraptions that have been pieced together from many a dead bike, new bikes (though they get stolen quite easily), bikes with a lower to the ground gearing, and electric bikes.

   It is nothing to see a number of older people riding along to/from the local market [called the piac (pea-ots)], local woven baskets on the handlebars, and a sturdy plastic/fiberglass bag in the holder over the back tire. They wave to the ones they know and say, "Jo napot kivánok!" (Good day I wish you)
and sometimes may even stop in the street or off to the side to chat.

   You can tell we are still foreigners from 'the sticks' here, we say "Jo napot kivánok!" to everyone! Sometimes we get people to say that back, or sometimes we try to strike up a conversation about the weather or whatever. Thank Heaven more and more people are responding to us as though we really know what they are talking about! We get glimpses into the conversations, but we have a long way to go with the language.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Life on the Ground…. running!

       So, here are some bits of everyday life as we live it over here…  There is an English Bible Study where we concentrate on conversational English. We read the Bible and then we discuss it. So far it has been the most effective and best attended type of English classes so far!
   Nearly 50% of the jobs available want people with the ability to speak English - and it's hard to do when the many of the teachers in school often only learned it from a book, and that is how they teach the pronunciation to their students.

   Students may also listen to movies or podcasts or television, but it is difficult if you don't have a chance to practice. We try to have them practice as much as possible, though sometimes it is a challenge to get them to open up. Once they relax,  they really seem to enjoy not only the participation but also the camaraderie of everyone.
    Although we read from the Bible and stick to the text, we also try to help our students relate to what was happening at the time of the writing. This way, they can often see how they can apply it to their lives.

  (We are always happy to answer questions,  so feel free to email us if you have some!)

Monday, February 17, 2014

How Do You Know You Are Relentlessly Pursued?

  A conversation was happening last week we were involved in.

The question was, "How do you know God has relentlessly pursued you?"

   Such an interesting question! A person may consider, when? Then again, it may be in light of coming to know the King on a personal level, whether it be now or many years ago. It could also be viewed as a protective stance for us…. but consider also, maybe He has covered an area all around us - perhaps we have never looked to see how He protects us as we move forward or to the side, but only through the rear view of our lives do we see His hands having orchestrated our protection.

  The next question was, "What do you relentlessly pursue?"  

    This could be another question that would be considered, "when"? Yet it could also uncover some of our thoughts of us being over zealous about an occupation; coffee; a hobby; eeking out a living or starting a business from scratch while still working full time; Bible study; a loved one - yet how many of us relentlessly pursue God? Do you pursue Him with questions? Do you pursue Him with adoration? Do you relentlessly pursue running away from Him? Do you relentlessly pursue His goodness and joy? Do you relentlessly pursue making something different for dinner? Do you relentlessly pursue capturing the perfect light in a painting or photo?

    I have thought about these two questions quite often this last week, and yet again today was reminded of one thing I have relentlessly pursued - gardening. Our landlord thinks I (Carrie) am completely nuts in composting, buying cow manure to help improve the soil for our garden, tilling the compost/manure mixture with dirt…. He doesn't know it is such a joy for me to have soil that is actually soil! My life has consisted of a) clay  b) glacial till - i.e. rocky ground that is so rocky, there is really very little soil or  c) no garden, so making one out of scraping off the grass & roots and trying to coax life out of clay or rocky soil in a climate that either has very little rain or way too much.  The soil here is  dirt and sand mixture, yet has been used for who knows what, but it can be improved.  I thought when we moved here that Europeans are crazy about recycling and composting…. well, maybe Western Europe is, but there are precious few here that I have met.

  I know God relentlessly pursued me - saving me from giving my life over to satanic worship. In fact, I had yelled at God countless times for fouling up 'the plans'! Oh, what JOY, what AMAZEMENT, what ASTONISHMENT that He would care so much to even 'foul up' my planned death so I wouldn't submit to Him! The fact that He LOVED me, CARED for me, desired to have a RELATIONSHIP with me, and thought THAT I WAS VALUABLE! Me? Such a hater of Him??? He still wanted ME? WHY?? (That my friends, is still a conundrum!) But He DID!

    He CARES that much for you, too! His greatest joy is that when a sinner will submit one's trust in His salvation, His glory, His son's sacrifice for us, in order for US to be reborn in Him! ACCEPTED! REFRESHED! RENEWED! REWORKED for His purposes - some we can never even imagine until we see them….

   Oh, don't delay my friend - TRUST in His plans! There is nothing like the FREEDOM you feel when you come under His obedience and discover that the overflowing JOY comes from this! What an  imaginative God we have! He will till our soil, reworking it from the compost of our former lives, renewing it with the help of His holy spirit and the sacrifice and resurrection of His only son. Give it a go! Allow great beauty and growth to flourish in your hearts and minds through His will…

Photo courtesy of Lori Wentland

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1st Anniversary for all of us!

      Happy Anniversary - To ALL of us! Without your help, your prayers, your encouragement when we have been discouraged, your friends, your support…. we wouldn't be able to be here.  We also desire that you would be inserted into the photos with us, so as you glance below, let your mind view yourself as being here, since you helped send us ok?

PS - PTL! Our car is now funded!!! Thank you for your help!!

K & C @ Höllökö Castle
Kurt teaching English at English Camp

Dancing at Attila & Evi's wedding

Hungarian Dancer

Hungarian & Indian Friends over to visit and have Mexican food - a special treat!

A child at a Bárka outreach 

A team outing

The Bárka's services now flow into 3 areas w/ so many people!

Hungarian Sunset on the Parliament Building

Carrie @ Patchwork Camp

Our Welcoming team (11:30 pm!) to Hungary

A Hungarian treasured floor - Music room, Vajita, 15 types of wood…..

The Women's Bible study

A 'punk' suit of armor

The youth of the church going on a mission's trip 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Catch an experience

 When you travel and experience a different culture, it is good to keep a fun perspective and remember to get photos while you can. Here are some of ours from last year:
Now THAT's a cup of coffee!

Door handle to a bakery

Hinges on a door at Fisherman's Bastion

A hand made Spartan hat

One of the many Budapest sculptures

Flower Shop a the Market
  Not only are the photos fun to look at, but many give back fond memories of outings with people we have enjoyed spending time with as we learned some history, some places to go, cultures and most importantly, what makes up some of the Hungarian mindset.

  We have all reflected our lives from this last year. For us it has been a time of intense and often frustrating growth but it has been seasoned with new friendships, joy at seeing others coming to Christ and progress in learning the language and the culture.

   There are SO many opportunities to choose to be a witness for Christ here. Step out your door and you will be observed, which has it's good and bad points, but it will always impact someone. We can all make that choice to impact others through our actions, thoughts and determination. Let's make some positive impact in another's world!
Traditional Transylvanian furniture and designs