Saturday, March 10, 2018

Challenges - Friend or Foe?

    I was reading a passage today speaking about challenges God puts in our path.  It was pointing out that some of these are to get us OUT of our comfort zone and to TRUST God.... Yet there are those who distrust the Almighty God, Creator of the heavens, the universe and all that is in it. So much so that they need to just keep with the flow, continue with their easy life - or difficult one - because what is 'known' to them is so much more comfortable than the unknown.

  All I could think of was, "Really? Distrust God so much that they wouldn't follow what He was asking them to do?"  Distrust seemed like a really strong word, yet when I thought about it, it was actually a spot on description. Does anyone think of the JOY of following the Lord?

  When Peter and the disciples were flailing about in the storm on the lake - think of it! The waves SO high that you just see the bow of the boat nearly over you or the side of the boat you are not on be taller than yourself & the boat was nearly sinking. Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat . The disciples shook him awake and said, "Master, don't you care that we are perishing??"  Jesus commanded the storm to stop - and it did! Flailing about to calm in less than a second.

   Another storm on the lake, again flailing about, when they see something strange in the distance. As it got closer, Jesus is just strolling along towards them.  Wind & rain pulling at your hair and clothes, ropes from the sail hitting you in the face, the groans and creaks of the wood as it moves within the structure of the boat, boxes smashing into toes as they are unleashed from the ropes that held them there in calmer weather..... and Jesus is just strolling past them.  Peter called out to Jesus, and Jesus  encouraged him to walk on over to him.

    Have you ever wondered if Peter thought twice about it, or just was so in awe that Jesus was walking in calmness that he wanted the same thing?

   Peter got out and started walking in this storm on the lake, not seeming to think about it for at least a few steps.  Yet, as soon as he thinks about it, realizing the utter contrariness of the situation, he starts to sink and asks for Jesus' help.  We have all been in that state - for instance, learning how to walk, and then watching a young child walk  - nearly the same (without the storm).  Until you get your head around the fact you are actually walking, all is fine.  It's the FEAR of walking on your own, without holding someone's hand that gets to us.  Jesus was right there, just like our parents or other reliable people were with us.

   Jesus was right there!

   Jesus was right there!

   Jesus was and is right there!

   Peter desired that calmness, that inner Joy that Jesus had within him more than sinking in a boat on the lake. He KNEW that the joy of following whatever Jesus had planned was SO much more than what was behind him.  Think about it - for the rest of their lives, who would have regretted that situation the most? Peter, who got out and followed, walking on the water? Or the other disciples, 'safely' back in a boat that was having a tough time of it in the storm?

   If God is asking us to do something, even before the storms of life, what is making us so hesitant?

  Jesus is right there!  Let's start 'practicing' our steps with him, our faith IN him to trust and walk in the path he is calling you to so that in the storms that will come (and they will!), we can get out of the boat, walk to him with confidence or call to the storm to obey, because Jesus is right there.

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