Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Technology and More Label Fun

Sigh.... Technology should be our friend, right?  I just worked HOURS trying to get out our latest newsletter... and it didn't go! Well, I will try it again, but not tonight!

So, to make some things 'lighter' here is some more label fun:

Who would have thought - a Gluten free store and a toystore in one spot!?

Oh, c'mon, you know that says "Lord of the Rings" !

A new twist on a phrase
  We will be praying for all of you to have a great holiday season - we will be posting before Christmas,  but for those in the states, we hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with whomever you get to spend the holiday with!! Make the best of it and keep your sense of humor... there is a reason:)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

We need to purchase a car - can you help?

    The time has come for these brave souls to buy a car. We have been allowed to borrow cars periodically, but that only goes so long.  Our expectations are to purchase one larger than the above car (Kurt couldn't even fit in it if he tried!), and at least 3 decades newer, plus it should be able to go faster than this one in the photo.  You can click the link here, or read further on..... and Carrie Smalley/111493V
    We desire to have a car large enough so we can pick you up at the airport along with your luggage & still make it back to the hotel safely, in a single trip. There has also been a need for a larger vehicle to help with transporting items for ministry, traveling on outreaches and other ministry events.

   Maps are a great tool to use - yet we have completely astounded many people by looking things up the old fashioned way. More than once we have heard, "You LIVE in Budapest and you DON'T HAVE A GPS???? How in the world do you find your way around?"

   Yes, truly Budapest is a hard place to navigate. We have found many roads we never knew existed, as well as some roads that look like roads on the maps, but in actuality, they are staircases! No joke - staircases in neighborhoods.... yeah, we didn't drive down them, but have learned to look DOWN the road before you descend!  Ultimately, a GPS would be a handy thing to have, but a car is far more important and practical. Street names change continually, the old names are posted on buildings at the corner, which is fine, IF the corner building is still there and trees aren't blocking it, but never are they illuminated at night, so finding places can be a challenge.

   Our leaders have graciously allowed us to set up a fund specifically for a car, so you can either click the link here: and Carrie Smalley/111493V    or the one in the right hand column to easily donate. The donations are tax deductible and will go specifically towards the car.  Thank you ahead of time for considering and end-of-year donation!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall '13 in Hungary Happenings

fall color
 It is Fall in this part of the hemisphere, and while many trees have been turning yellow, we have also managed to find some extra color here and there in daily routines.

Walking on the way to the Farmer's Market (called the Piac - like Pea-yachts), we saw these lovely leaves. The piac itself has so much color this time of year with the different squash available, the 'kaposta' products (pickled items) that are SO good, the way people are dressed, other items for sale, and since it is almost November 1 (All Saint's Day), a LOT of beautiful wreaths and flowers for sale. Fortunately, Halloween isn't celebrated here. The beginning of November, though is HUGE - people place the wreaths and candles at the gravesites of relatives to remember them.

                                                                                    A friend of ours told us about their young son who loves to get extra candles to put at the gravesites where there may be none or few candles there so "they won't feel so lonely"! I thought that was a sweet idea & very compassionate.
Some of the famous Vecses pickled products sold 

An implement/wire product seller
Small Wreaths, nuts and fruit for sale
                 Some of the stalls at the piac are really interesting & very different than those you would see in an American farmer's market. There is usually at least one implement seller of metal goods (often handmade), but they also sell huge wooden spoons for people's bograc's (like a really big pot to make soup in outside over a wood fire - a traditional Hungarian meal). I have seen some of the spoons even 4' long! The picture above has a number of spoons about 3' long, as well as wire brushes for chimney's for smoke houses, and to clean various things, plus some sieves, spare wire, pots and pans and other tools for the kitchen you might need. 

There are other sellers - many with fruit & vegetables; flowers; dried fruits, beans and spices; used clothing or items for the house; books; plastics for the home; shovel and axe handles and other tools; sometimes pensioners selling whatever they can spare from their gardens or homes; shoes; clothing; Bio products; thread or leather goods; basket makers....   In my mind I sometimes make up stories to go with the products for sale.
There are also many events happening - it is after all, time for the Seasonal classes to start, like Quilt Club, English Club, Ifi (teen) Clubs, Men's Club and Women's Bible Study. 

We were able to help out another quilt club in the area with an outreach of some ladies coming over from Pennsylvania. Carrie helped with the quilting part, and Kurt helped some other men cook and prepare the lunch. The people were all very appreciative in everyone's efforts. 

Through all of our activities and interactions (there are many!), we covet your prayers - not only for our growing ability to speak Hungarian, but also for those with whom we speak with. We want to be God's heart and light to them, drawing them closer to the One who desires fellowship with them.
Traditional Debrecen symbols quilt top

Vecses Piac in Fall

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Life has been like a waterfall..

Quick - choose where you are supposed to go!

  When we realized how long it has been since we have posted anything - we thought we would catch you up on life here in Hungary!

First, we are fine!

Second, in preparing for Carrie's knee surgery in early September, time flew away. Surgery was successful for her total knee replacement, PTL. It is now 5 weeks post-op, and she can get around the house without crutches! The operation took place in a Budapest hospital. If you want more details, check the newsletter coming out soon.

                                                                     Third, we just had the privilege of celebrating our 28th anniversary! We heard about an very inexpensive Bible college/castle in Hungary, so we took two days for a road trip and getaway. Castles are all over Hungary, and they vary greatly in prices.
Some of these photos we just took on our way back yesterday.
Some houses are made of bricks, some of  adobe, like here - this one needs some extra TLC -  pray for the Hungarian people. Many are hard workers, but due to the pay scale, very little is able to be used for 'extras' other than survival. For instance, doctors, teachers and people working in a store all earn about the same amount! This is one reason the young people are leaving the country in large numbers due to economics.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

English Camp - updated & after the fun :)

 Campers loved trying S'mores (an American thing), plus they love their traditional Langos (below)

  It is with JOY we can say that at least 13 campers made decisions to accept Jesus into their hearts or re-commit their lives to Jesus! All the heat, sweat, water fights, tears, laughter were well worth it!

  We had so much fun with our "O'Ranger" (orange) team! They are a great group of young people and SMART!  We still continue to pray for them and for their lives after camp.
 We had team scavenger hunts - quite ingenious, using "old school" maps and smart phones, including "dummy" possibilities.  I was astounded at how involved and how much fun the team was having at nearly every station.

  We were astounded and pleased with the creativity coming out as our team kept on forming ways to do things or think of things, like the picture below..

Here are part of the O'Ranger team getting ready to do some modern-day reenactments of Jesus' healings.  These were spin-offs of some of the scriptures we had been reading during Kurt's reading group time & my conversation times. God was SO good, and the fellow campers LOVED watching the skit!

So, now that camp is over, we ask for prayers for:
Camper & Staff hearts to remain receptive and tender towards  the Lord
Tini Ifi Club this week (young teens)
Larger ministry space here in Vecsés and for the Petöfibanya church as well
Endurance in very HOT weather (It has been close to or over 100 F for weeks now)
Prayers for our Vecsés team leader and family on home assignment
Fruitful meetings with "Z" and "F" and "M & M"
Prayer for our friend and evangelist, Péter, during smaller summer outreaches in Eastern Europe - for safety and good responses
Prayer for Carrie's knee  - it will need to be replaced soon unless God chooses to heal it completely; funds
Prayer for a vehicle for us to purchase and the funding to pay for it and the deductible on the surgery (if God chooses to heal through the hands of a surgeon).
Prayer for a couch/bed (queen size) for the guest room - the ones we pursue have been dead-ends.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Not Your Ordinary Camp

I am adapting to trying new things... This adventure you are reading about helps you understand some of them, but what I have been really amazed about this first 6 months we have been here is the intensity with which Hungarian students study.

Not only have most students been studying much harder than anyone I have ever known during the school year, but they continue to do so in the summer. Then they also go to camps, (if the family can afford it), during the summer to continue studying subjects they want to or need to in a more intensive manner! Good heavens! There really are younger and older people who DO this!

This is where English Camp comes in. Students voluntarily come to English camp for really intensive English classes and free time for about a week at Lakitelek from all over Hungary and the areas where Hungarian is spoken. As you may recall from some of my postings, nearly 50% of the jobs available to Hungarians need a good solid working knowledge of English. Well as you may know, we do teach intensive classes here, but we use the Bible as the text  for them to read. This not only expands their vocabularies further, but it helps get the word of God into their hearts in some way or another.

This week, I have had the privilege of being called a surrogate mom to a young lady who's mom has just abandoned her; comforted another young lady whose mother suddenly passed away this winter; helped to blow away a group of kids through sharing real life with them; helped to give numerous testimonies of how to live life out loud with my husband and the campers, as well as get to know many really neat people and teach classes.  There will be pictures soon, But for now, we still need your prayers for all these campers. Some are adults older than us, and then it goes down to kids in the pre-teen years. Hearts and lives are being changed, praise God!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Patchwork Camp '13

 Imagine 50+ ladies,  all getting together for two days to sew, talk and laugh - you have Patchwork Camp.  Now imagine this setting in a culture where people don't speak to each other on the street, unless they know each other well. Smiles are few. Now transport the joy into this different culture and you understand why so many women are drawn to this club.

  A friend of mine, Eri, remarks that she "Just feels so good and happy for days after she has spent time at  Patchwork Club. Something about the people is so different."  Eri is one of the many unbelievers in the club. In fact, just a handful of believers were in the Patchwork Camp and the purpose of this camp is to encourage people to draw to Christ. It works! At least one lady turned her heart to God this last weekend! Many more were amazed to hear the stories and the thought of life that can be so different with only one "small" decision.

  God is definitely at work in this small town. People come from many different towns and cities to join in the activities.  "I feel so happy and safe here" is a comment that is heard often. "Safe" being often the idea of not being condemned or having the freedom to express yourself.

  Many ladies were blessed with gifts they "won", thanks to generous donations from people like you. This also is fairly unheard of here. "You mean, I don't owe you anything?? Really?" Really! We also made some tissue holders for every attendee (Thanks to the Camano Chapel Ladies' Retreat for the idea!) and those were loved!

  Now in a week will be English Camp, where young people from all over Hungary will come to play, practice their English  (a necessity - almost 1/2 the jobs here in Hungary require a good working knowledge of the language), and hear the Word, read the Word and have a lot of energizing fun.

Would you join with us in praying for the campers - that the Word would permeate their hearts and minds? Please also pray for the staff - for energy and wisdom and joy throughout the week. We have more campers this year than ever (75), and we have some staff who weren't able to make it this year....
Maybe God is calling you to come to help next year?? Think about it! You could come to Patchwork Camp, and then be here for English camp! Or, just come for English Camp - the people are always amazed that others willingly take time away from life to come and help.  So, do you want some amazement??? Email us if you want to be kept updated with day to day life with English camp. We will also try to blog sometime during the week to share:)

Thanks for your prayers!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

David and Goliath times

King Istvan praying for the nation of Hungary before battle

   Have you heard about David and Goliath? Most have, but in case you haven't, David (to become King David) was a young boy, a shepherd, who had come at his father's request to see how his older brothers on the front lines were doing in a war with the Philistines.

   Upon his arrival, he viewed the giant, Goliath, taunting the Israeli troops that were being led by King Saul. David asked them, "Are you just going to stand by and let that army of the Philistines taunt the army of God's appointed?" David was MAD!

   To fast forward a bit, they pretty much said, "Hey, if you want to go fight this giant, go ahead!" So David gathered stones and walked towards Goliath (who was jeering him the whole time). David put one of the stones into his sling, gave it some whirls & let the stone fly.... right into the forehead of Goliath the giant, killing him instantly! The Philistines turned tail and ran, then the Israeli army ran after them to cut them down, after having been encouraged by the lack of Goliath in their midst.

    We all have David and Goliath times - especially when we are feeling really small against what seems like a daunting task or time of life - but we FORGET that David relied on God & the promises God gave the Israelites! God helped David overcome Goliath by what seems like impossible odds when other more seasoned veterans were terrified of Goliath's strength, size, and don't forget Goliath's bullying attitude.

   Are you going through David & Goliath times?  There are times for us that seem like that too - especially learning one of the three hardest languages at a time in life when others are looking forward to spending time with grandchildren, looking at retirement sooner than later, the myth that it is much more difficult to learn a foreign language when your are "old",  feeling like we aren't really accomplishing anything or making a difference in the lives of others, we are crazy to sell/give away what we had & move across the world to a place no one has heard of or cares about .... and the list can go on.
   Yes, there are times when it feels like Goliath (in this case, Hungarian) is winning.  But that is the EXACT TIME when we need to remind ourselves that we are like David!  We may be small in the big picture of things, but God has given us talents, taught us things - like He taught David how to use a sling and a rock - and then we had to keep practicing those things over & over & over until we could actually use those talents.

   God has helped us to use these seemingly meaningless talents in interacting with people, or just going through life here - but people here NOTICE these things! The Hungarian people for many years have been trained to watch and observe, even if they couldn't say anything to another person, they are tremendous watchers, very contemplative, and tend to be very negative thinkers. Yet, here are some crazy Americans in their midst BY CHOICE????? So they think, "What? WHY? Really? You WANT to live here, when the USA is the land of milk & honey? You want to learn this hard language? WHY? Why are you REALLY here?" Well, who needs a better introduction into why we are here? So, we answer them!

     Then, (sometimes, I can even hear a chuckle from God ) we let them know that MANY Americans sent us over here to speak to them, let them know that they are loved by God.... God, who set the heavens and the stars in place... God, who formed man out of dust.... God, who knew all about them before any of them were formed.... God, who sent His son for them to die in their place, for their sins, so they could believe in Christ Jesus, who loved them before time began and loves them still.... because God keeps His promises, and He will win the ultimate war.

    Remember, when you face the giants - God is in control. God wins, even through the difficult circumstances. God wins when you are willing to be a fool for His glory, God wins. He creates beauty out of hearts of stone when they yield to Him. God wins!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ok, these are too funny not to post...

         So, would their "pick up" lines be better?  Is the food spiced? Does it make you think your pet is really ready for sunglasses or a cruise?

Eww - really? Where is the cheese sauce?
As a person strides through the market, trying to figure out some of the ingredients or advertisements in a foreign language, it is somewhat shocking, then hilarious to realize you don't have to decipher the box as hard as you have been with the others.

   I have learned I need to start counting - at least to three- before I try to figure out why they use some names in their advertising. Maybe to be "hip, slick & cool", or to lure in people who are so hungry to read and learn English? Maybe it is because they think it is making sense somehow in their thinking?

Is it proper to clean with this, or just have it in your home?
    Then, there are the "household helps"... this is sold not only at a store owned by a company in the UK,  but I have also seen it with my own eyes at everyday 'Mom & Pop' stores. Is this just Mr. Clean's way of making us feel relieved that we are safe or that this is the only product to use before company comes?

   Don't worry - with our sense of humor, there will be many more to add to your collection!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Oh, the resources we are finding!

A friend of ours, Péter, was again heading down to Serbia & asked us if we wanted to come along to see what is happening. Our schedule was free at last so we leapt at the chance. Péter is from the Bárka, ( the church we are working with here in Vecsés, Hungary). We just came back earlier today from visiting the churches in Serbia that are run by a Serbian/Hungarian pastor (Zoltan). Zoltan has planted two churches in the northern part of Serbia. He grew up in the village of Pácír where he now has a church with a small congregation. Zoltan doesn't care if the people coming are Serbs, Croats, Roma (Gypsy) or Hungarians, he just wants them all come to know Jesus!

A few months ago, Zoltan and his family of 9 people were burned out of their home. A gas container IN Zoltan's HAND somehow got a spark, blew up, and then everything caught on fire. Zoltan was the only one injured. There was only one door to the home, right next to the blaze, so the whole family (including grandparents) climbed up through a window near the roof and down onto a fence, then jumped down to the ground. All was lost - the place literally burned to the ground. They have been staying at one of the churches he has planted. They just found a very old house on a large lot and were able to purchase it, thanks to some generous donations, and now are in the process of removing part of it in order to rebuild it so the family's needs can be accommodated better.

The villages where Zoltan has started 2 churches are very poor. There is little/no work for Hungarians in Serbia. The partial demolition and the rebuilding is actually providing some of the ONLY jobs in the area!

With donations given by many, we arrived Friday, along with some other Americans (who had been there literally the day before the fire). A work group from the Atlanta,Georgia area was finishing off some of the rooms in one of the churches so that they could have Sunday School. This building used to be an old stables area and is the same building where Zoltan and his family are using two rooms to live in. Later in the week, a church of Roma believers are coming in to help. Zoltan said that the pastor of the church called & said there are 65 people in his church, but no one has a job, so since they are "free", could they come and help... He said yes, with hopes that all will go well, not knowing the pastor or the church very well.

While all of this is going on, some ladies from the church are coming in to help cook for these groups in an older American sized kitchen - 1 small double sink, 1 stove, 1 regular European sized fridge (about half the size of an American one), a couple of cupboards and a table... cooking for 20-50 people at a time and no dishwashing machine. They also have one clothes washing machine (european - loads take quite a long time) for all of the people, linens, etc.. there is no dryer other than a clothes line.

Meanwhile, people are being saved, hearts are changing, eyes are watching to see what will happen next.

Our friend from the Bárka, Péter, also took us to pray with a single mom, "Z" (not her real name), who was abandoned by her husband when their daughter was born with the cord around her neck. For 23 years now, mom has taken care of her daughter who will never be mentally more than a few months old. She was loaned a wheelchair by the clinic, but it needs to go back soon. There is no hoyer lift - it is only mom. Yet the love that outpours from this lady to her daughter is astounding and truly a joy to experience. "Z" came to know Christ four years ago. She is the full-time caretaker. The in-laws, who are in their 70's, are the "breadwinners" for everyone, driving a taxi in a very rural area that is also extremely poor.

Next, Péter brought us to meet a lady whose house literally fell down around them during the winter a year ago. He has gone many times to help them, including initially through some terrible snowstorms. There is some progress to their home, but again, it is difficult without work. This is the first time she has ever lived in a house with indoor plumbing! The husband is one of the few who are helping Pastor Zoltan. The wife came to know Christ a couple of years ago, and her husband only a year ago.

A neighbor, of the above couple, T, had initially met Péter shortly after Péter arrived during a snowstorm and yelled at him for coming to help. "Why would you do this?" asked the neighbor angrily. "It is because Christ called me to come help a brother in need. You only live a few doors away - why have you not helped?" is what Péter replied... then last fall, Péter got a call from T. "I thought about what you said and have been talking to Pastor Zoltan. I gave my life to Jesus and I will be getting baptized - will you come?" "Certainly!" replied Péter. Now, T's mother has had a massive stroke after having come out of a coma. We went to pray for her and encourage him. He has no job either, other than taking care of his 84 year old mother in a tiny house.

Pastor Zoltan has big dreams for church planting. Péter has a big heart for the people in these communities. Thank you for your prayers on their behalf.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wow! How God can work through pain...

  This is a picture from the 1930's of Chico's (Hungarian "Cowboys") on the plains of Hungary.  The crossed pieces of wood to the right is the counterweight to help get the full water bucket out of the ground. (They have nothing to do with the story that follows, but I thought it was a cool picture!)

   As many of you know, I thought I had just pulled something under my knee when I went to the Dr., only to find out that it is bone on bone! Phooey! I guess my pain tolerance is higher than I thought! Evidently I need a knee replacement...Anyway, part of what the Dr. recommended was to have some physical therapy, so I was following the Dr's instructions and did some physical therapy. I just finished up this past week.

   I walked in a day or two ago & by now the ladies at the front desk actually smile at me, and have been patient enough with my Hungarian (or lack of it), and the patience of me practicing counting money to them. (They were VERY suspicious of me the first few times & I felt like a terrible bother).  So, when I told them this was my last day, they were quite surprised.

  We went through the motions of the physical therapy, and then the nurse who had been helping me continuously through this time double checked, "You - last here?"  "Igen" (yes) I replied.  Before we departed, once again, "You - last here, ma (today)?" "Igen" I replied again.  Then she started to cry, apologizing in Hungarian fervently. My mothering instinct took over and I hugged her, then she started to sob!  "Oh, what?" I asked.  (We have been trying to communicate all these different sessions. Her English is better and my Hungarian is, thanks to these conversations).

  "I will miss you... very much! You give joy."  I prayed quickly, "Oh Lord, what can I say to her that will lead her to You?" The next thing out of my mouth was, "It is ONLY Jesus in me that you will miss! He is the only one who can give you joy." ( Admittedly, this was in "Hung-lish") She looked at me & I asked her if she knew about Jesus. Nodding, I proceeded, again in Hung-lish. So I brought up some different things we had spoken about and turned it all towards Him. I also shared more to her why & how Jesus is important. There was even a cross in the door to use the example of why Jesus died for us instead of us being on the cross!  Through many tears and tissues, the message hit home.

  Maybe we will see each other for coffee. I hope so! When I told Kurt about this, he said, "Use the English/Hungarian Bible we have - some Hungarian Bibles are in such old ways of speaking, they are very difficult to understand!  So, I went back in and gave her the Bible, as a "loan". (I guess Hungarians are kind of funny about loans, so they want to return stuff quickly). I just told her that we could meet for coffee and she could return the book.

  All in all, we went through probably 20 tissues, but hopefully she will have new hope, soon! We entreat you to pray for her as well as many others we continue to encounter. God is opening up some amazing doors and opportunities!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Conference time:)

We are attending a conference with many of our colleagues throughout Europe. How fun to meet up with some we have met on our survey trip, others we went through classes with, and many more that are now new friends!

What really strikes me right now is the atmosphere between the kids and their parents. The kids are just as thrilled to be here as the parents! It is like a big happy camp for a family for everyone! Not only are adults reconnecting with each other, but there is this aspect of being a child on the field in a different culture. They are called "third culture kids".  (It is similar to the children in the military families who move around every few years... not many towns feel like "their" hometown. In this case, not many countries feel like "their" country where they are from.)  My heart became very heavy in thinking about how long it has been since these kids could see "their friends" who completely understand what they may be going through, how often they are in planes, busses, autos, trains  and when they are "home" in the states (which never seems like it is their home), it is being on the road most of the time speaking to churches and groups that aren't familiar to them.

When I was a kid, it took what seemed like FOREVER to get to camp again every year. Many of us are still in contact from 4th grade camp!  This is another reason my heart felt heavy - it may be 1, 2, 3, or 4 years until they get to see their camp friends again - a lifetime, almost as a kid!  I diatribe about this simply for the fact that it is really important to lift up these families in prayer & to do so quite often. A number of the children grow up knowing at least one other language yet may not understand why until they are older. Are you getting a glimpse of what being a Third Culture Kid is all about? What is humorous in one country may not be in another; the concept of some of our US holidays are different to them; why do people talk about an "old house" that is only 100 years old when the one they currently live in was built in the 1500's... you get the picture!

Anyway, yes, it was a true joy to see not only the adults hugging each other and having fun, but also the children.  There were teams from the US and other places who came to let the kids have a blast in a safe enviornment while their parents were attending meetings. Thank you to all of them!! (And if anyone wants to participate in something like that to help, please feel free to email us!! We have many ways you can!)

So, the conference was really great and encouraging.... and I had met some other Hungarians there who weren't attending a conference - so I got to practice my Hungarian during that time! What made us all laugh was one evening we  saw each other & a German couple was sitting with them. Neither spoke the other's language, so when they asked if I knew German, I said "Yes".  So, questions were being asked & I had been trying to squelch my German through language learning so much, all my answers were coming out in Hungarian or Hung-glish (Hungarian - English)..... yep, something must be sticking! Thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring Has Finally Arrived!

  Yea! It is spring finally! No frost for a couple of weeks now, so I started cleaning flower beds in our front flower garden (virag kert) and planting seeds amongst the roses. I also planted some flower seeds in some containers that "came with the house".  Violets are blooming like crazy in the grass, between bits of sidewalk, around trees and other shrubbery. English daisies and hyacinths gone wild are also blooming in people's grass and yards, trying to beat the cherry trees as they prepare to blossom.  Sour cherries blossom and ripen first (a Magyar favorite), then the sweet cherries. They even have separate names for the types, denoting if one is sour or sweet.

  As people come out to work in the garden, take a walk, ride a bike or just sit and enjoy the sun and its warmth they are also now being greeted by us as we pass by. Most are finally willing to speak back, so either the sun has made them less hesitant, they are used to seeing us, or our Hungarian is getting better! Either way, we are glad to make more acquaintances.  Sometimes (usually the older people) will just start rambling on - like the man splitting wood today, or a lady talking about her mop for 8 stops on the tram, or one of our neighbors I met a week or so ago chatting about her flowers.

  We try to use each of these situations as more "on the street Hungarian lessons".  For instance, Maria, our neighbor, was out looking at what was coming up.  I walked up and told her the forsythia looked beautiful (in Hungarian), this led to an on-the-street class for both of us - she was ASTOUNDED there was a "foreigner" living on her street! I was astounded that Hungarian doesn't use the latin names I learned (thank you mom!) for the flora - so Maria proceeded to help me learn the Hungarian names for the plants I have known most of my life.  Then, a day or so later, my Hungarian tutor and I were walking past Maria's garden & they started quizzing me, and I nearly remembered them all and the pronunciation!  We still need all the prayers we can get  - learning another language in immersion takes it out of you in many ways.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tribes and Tongues

  Easter Monday we had the fun experience of "getting outta Dodge" and going on our first road trip since being in country.  Bundling up and climbing in the van with a bunch of other fun people early in the morning & off we went! (This spring has been unseasonably cold and rainy - and that day in particular unbearably cold). Easter Monday is a national holiday here and many events were happening all over the country.  Ladies were promptly sprayed with perfume by the men - an Easter Monday tradition.

  We arrived at Opusztaszer about 45 minutes later (this is considered a really long drive!).  From the step out of the van it was clearly a different place.  This is the spot over a thousand years ago that the main tribes of a large area came together to sign a treaty of strength and form a nation. The nation is now know to most of the world as Hungary. Here it is Magyarorzsag.  Each of these different yurts represent a different tribe by the insignia at the top. Pictured are only a few of them. It was lovely to see these representations of different people standing in sillouette against the blue sky on this crisp day. You could feel the power and the strength of these people, uniting together to protect themselves against other marauders.

  There is also a 120 meter long canvas that is painted of different scenes when Arpad and his men first came to settle in Hungary. It is painted so well, you cannot tell where the actual rocks and trees in the front, used as props ends and the painting begins!

  This day, there were special dancers, people dressed in traditional dress as they would have been 200+  years ago, and there is a village that has been put together from historical buildings from all over the nation which shows life and culture as it used to be. The only thing missing out of it all was God - which is surprising considering that this is a nation priding itself on King Stephen (Istvan) dedicating Hungary to the Roman Catholic church. Maybe villages weren't willing to send off an older church to this heritage site, I don't know. I just know there wasn't one there that I observed. There were a lot of Hungarian people who were enjoying exploring some of their "roots" after making this long trek from where they lived. Another tradition (that is now only spraying of perfume) displayed in the historical village was that of literally dousing young women with buckets or containers of water on Easter Monday - harkening back to the pagan days in wanting the women to be fertile and this was a "blessing", so to speak... I will take the perfume, I think.  Especially after seeing the young lady who had been doused with buckets of cold water on a chilly morning in a chilly house run off to get changed!  Dryers weren't available back then. If you were soaked, would you have had enough clothes that were dry to change into? Lots and lots of petticoats were under those wet skirts.

  I am looking forward to coming back - to see the demonstrations later in the year - horsemen display their feats as well as the archery exhibitions and many more.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring is here??

   Spring is here - kind of. Fortunately we didn't have this much snow where we live, but this picture was taken last weekend between Vienna and Budapest, leaving over 35,000 people stranded - fortunately it is not a normal occurrence.

   Spring flowers are coming up here, the sun is shining today and the wind is quite chilly.  Trees are budding & nearly ready to pop leaves out. Again, locals say this isn't a normal spring, often it is much warmer. We're ready for that as well, right now!

  I (Carrie) have been asked to join with one of our pastor's wives, Marcsi, to be on a national Hungarian TV show next week! The show is live for 2 hours, and we will be quilting during that time. Other people will be cooking & I have no idea what else. I will know more after next Wednesday! Luckily I should be able to get "off air" in time for language class. Meanwhile, we covet your prayers that God would be magnified somehow through this event and it would draw Hungarians to Christ through the event.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Take notes...

  Hungarians are known for their innovation. They have designed the first metro subway, originally drawn by horses in 1847; the articulated bus (1960 put into use); the telephone exchange (1877); of course, the Rubik's Cube and many others, but I love the top picture giving more freedom to the handicapped people.  This just makes my heart sing with joy in knowing maybe some of our friends will be able to use something like this!

Sometimes "Mother Nature" loves to have some of the last giggles... I am willing to laugh along as long as they don't bring tragedy like this weekend's..
 It is spring here now - and there was a HUGE snowstorm the night before last hitting western Hungary. In our class Thursday afternoon, we had all ready heard of a 30 car pile-up on the freeway to the west of Budapest!  Thankfully, we didn't get much here (10 cm ~ 4"), but we walked to class in the rain and walked home with much colder temperatures and snow blowing down on our umbrellas.  Yesterday was a holiday (a failed revolution in 1848), and while there were scheduled speeches all over the city of Budapest, they were cancelled due to the storm's vehemence elsewhere.  (Personally, I just baked up a storm at our snug house.)

    We are learning that as practical and brilliant Hungarians are, they do have some quirks like everyone.... for instance, there is an ice cream truck that goes around our city this winter (maybe all year - we don't know yet).  At first we thought, "Really? It's winter!" Silly us! Of COURSE it is winter, but you evidently still need these great ice cream treats - if you can catch the driver.  We are used to hearing the ice cream truck blocks/ miles away (depending on where you live) and they slowly parade through the neighborhood/parking lot. Silly us! Not this one! If you hear it, you better run, but be careful.... they go through about 30km/hr or more! Good luck catching it! MAYBE they will even come back through, but forget about them slowing down! We still don't know if the ice cream truck ever stops except for gas - we haven't been that fast.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

But lo the winter's past....?

    This is the outside of our house - looks like a lot of others all over Hungary.  Although this was a couple of weeks ago, we aren't counting on not getting more snow yet!  Spring is trying to break through all around us - pussy-willows coming forth, crocus blossoming, daffodils and tulips starting to come up as well as some iris preparing for summer.

   I forgot how odd it is to live in a place where you don't know how the seasons behave, exactly.  It tends to be quite an adjustment in the anticipation and yes, stress in it's own right, along with many others in cultural adjustments.  Though the air wants to be balmy - I can actually feel it trying - sadly, it is having a hard time getting the motivation up.

   Not so with the birds! Each day as we walk to language school or back from school we hear new arrivals everyday.  We have called one "the squeaky swing" bird, another one, "the squeaky tricycle" bird (quite different sounds), a bird that doesn't really cackle, but has continual stops and stutters in it's song... we haven't named it yet.  There are robins starting to arrive, and the ever present mourning doves, pigeons, some rather large birds, but they are too far off to tell what they are.  Yesterday on the way home, we saw our first butterfly of the season - and what a large one it was!

   We are definitely getting our exercise daily, stairs, walking, more walking, more stairs, riding the bus (who needs the shaker machines when you can just stand on the bus through the rough parts of the road?!) balancing standing (metro), balance walking (the cement walkways can be terrible, so we are always watching where we are walking - no thank you for walking at night on some of those walkways!). Something is out in my back, so my knees have been killing me all day, all night - ok, whining is over!  All in all, we are walking at least 3 miles a day, not including going shopping, which is a whole other experience which will be described some day.

  Through it all, we pray for people, places, situations. The anguish of a young lady on the metro, the aching joints of an older lady trying to stand up on the metro, the angry young man on the bus, the man who has given up on life - just existing for ... ; and the many hundreds who have been so well trained to not show ANYTHING on their faces lest there be a hint of a crack in a wall exposing them to the outside world.  Language isn't needed to perceive these emotions, just a heart that is willing to reach out and share HOPE to them.

  Last week on the metro, a tiny wisp of an old lady sat next to me. She was trying to prepare for her stop, nearly losing her balance, so I put a hand out on her back to steady her to the stop. As many of you know, I love to rub backs, so I was gently moving my hand back and forth & the look of glee and surprise on her face was worth it all! She said, "Kösönöm!" as she got off.

   Then a young man, who had been standing behind Kurt sat in her place. The smell of alcohol at 8am was a bit much.... and that is when God said, "tell him he's loved", so I did in my halting Hungarian.
"Jézus szeret téged". He turned quickly and looked at me amazed, so I said again, "Jézus szeret téged". And the look of wonder and of astonishment was truly something to behold! I had literally felt him get blown back a bit!  The next stop was ours, & I wished him a good day, but haven't ceased to pray for him...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Language School..

Well, we are about to embark on our second week of intensive Hungarian. We made it through the first week with our class, and although you could nearly hear the rusty gears turning (2 others are "in our age group", Lol), we all made it through.

What is Hungarian like? Well, one of our teachers was going to do this:    dzsesszklubban

 Can you guess what it is?

Sure you're ready?

Jazz club!  No wonder when people want a Jeep, they think of DZSIP!  That's how it would be spelled!

 Are we ready for week 2 yet? I really don't know but we will find out tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


 Szeretlek means "I love you" in Hungarian... no one said that more to us than Jesus, Himself.

  Every season is a season of love to share with others, to let them know that God has CHOSEN them before time began, and wants fellowship - personal fellowship with them everyday. All we need to do is ask Him to come into our hearts and desire to follow Him now instead of our own selfishness. That's okay - our selfishness just gets us into trouble anyway.

  We have had the opportunity to share this in the Hungarian schools all ready! We have been invited in and asked to come back more! Who would have thought we would have created interest? Certainly not I! It is only by God's grace that we are here, and the prayers and support of those in the States and around the world who are allowing this to transpire. For this we are deeply thankful and love you to help us love these Hungarian people in different ways everyday!