One set of Carrie's great great grandparents came over to the US from the Czech Republic and homesteaded on the prairie of eastern Colorado, building a house out of chunks of sod since there was little or no wood. They were called "soddies". Life was hard, but they were seeking out a life in a free land where they could do anything they set their sights on, including having their own land.
One set of her great grandparents came from Switzerland to settle in bleak western Kansas - a far cry from the Alps that was home, but for the same reasons.
One of Kurt's grandparents was "encouraged" (i.e. forced at gunpoint) to leave the lowlands of the Netherlands (aka, Holland) to join the Kaiser's army in WWI. He jumped ship at the Panama Canal and basically walked to Alaska seeking freedom.
Now we have sold our house in this land of promise, sold some treasures from these dear relatives and their children. Treasures that were entrusted to us and we took good care of.
God has set our eyes and hearts on Him, changing the way we view "stuff" - even these treasures- to sell them so we can follow Him without encumbrances. We had a successful "Living Estate & Antique Sale", but we may need another, since not all is gone.
A lot of Kurt's tools sold. The business is closed. We soon are moving out & into a friend's garage. Only two chairs are needed, one small table or two, our bed, clothes and computer. Waiting. Waiting for the rest of our monthly support to come in so we can leave.
We have jumped off the cliff and now are free falling. No parachute - just waiting to either be caught by God or splat. We choose to be caught, but it isn't our choice. What little control we thought we had is now all gone and it is only up to the Almighty as to what should be done.
I find it quite ironic that these great grandchildren of immigrants have chosen to leave all behind that is familiar and head back to the continent our forefathers willingly left for a better life. Our choice is different though. Our choice to go is in order to help show there is a better life that ALL can choose to have without immigration. A life where freedom is for your soul - not monetary gain, or politics, not fancy cars, or jobs, or any of the many other reasons that are worth nothing in the end.
In the end it only matters what you have chosen - to take up the offer that Jesus Christ makes to all who hear, "Follow me, die to yourself and have eternal life". It is completely free and joy-full even in hard times when you give up all to follow Him. What will YOU choose? To be caught or splat? He WILL catch you! He is the best catcher you have ever seen. Will you join His team?
Well said! Hope it all comes in... tomorrow!