Sunday, September 16, 2012

Aches, Apathy & Crazy Americans

  This past Tuesday, we had a  Skype call with our team in Hungary. Oh, how I long to be with them, helping them plant churches in the field!! I was ready to just get on the plane and leave!  I could smell the beginning of Fall over there. I could feel the anticipation of what God is preparing to do for His Kingdom! Bags? Who needs them, just let me GO!! Let me get on with what I am called to do! Send me - your hands and feet- to work for the Kingdom, to love on the Hungarian people, to learn the language, to teach, to forge friendships, to let them know there is a Mighty, Omnipotent Creator who wrote their names on His hands - and He HASN'T forgotten them!  Let me GO!!! Send ME!!!   That is my heart cry, that is Kurt's heart cry.... SEND US!  We are SO close!

  About an hour after the Skype call, as I was packing to move out, I received word that the buyers for our house backed out.  No specific reasons were given (they don't have to).  I admit, I grieved for a while - the closer we get to depart, the further away the goal moves, it seems.  But then, Kurt and I both looked at each other, smiled, and said, "Let's see what God does now!" There is a timeline ticking down... what will happen? Stay tuned!

  Then yesterday I had the privilege to attend a Beth Moore simulcast at our church. People around the world were gathered via the miracles of technology to listen to teaching and to worship together - what a blessing that was! Hungary wasn't mentioned, but my heart thought, "Oh, NEXT year! We will gather together with you next year in Hungary joining you!"

   Later on in this simulcast,  as I was worshipping along, I found my heart breaking further for these Hungarian people...  for their hearts that have given up on finding the hole in their heart filled with something that will last (Jesus Christ), to be given HOPE, LIFE, GOALS.  To dream again...

  You see, when we were there, we were specifically told, "Don't smile as you walk down the street."  When we asked why, we were told, "Because they will either think you are drunk or literally crazy!"  Wow - what re-training we will need to do!  This is the world we are moving to - a world where people are suspicious of each other (the gulag mentality is still there), where we need to remind ourselves to not be so happy.  Yet, in the freedom of Christ there is abundant Joy and Life!

  When we gathered with believers at the Hungarian church, the Joy and Life is flourishing! It's like walking from a desert into a lush garden behind a door. The humidity pours into your parched lungs and skin.

    So many of the people we have only been able to see and know from a distance of 9,000 miles, have come to know the Savior as we have joined with you in praying for them. Lives are changing, the church is growing, new people are being drawn in to be healed, to be changed in a way that only Christ can..... and yet, we still proclaim Christ because we are here.  Trusting to be the fragrance of eternal life and examples of His great mercy.  Jesus has drawn our hearts to another land that is living in great darkness, to a people who are blinded by the god of this world. We are straddled between two continents.  We are here, waiting with bated breath to RUN with them, side by side.  To come alongside and share their hearts, to let them know there are many who care, many who are praying, many in this family they can join. To gently place a hand on their shoulder, lifting off a strap of this enormous load they carry in order to share the burden, taking it to the foot of the cross and leaving it there.... left in His care.   To trust.     Finally.

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