Sometimes we see God working in normal life, but often it is within what would seem like funny, inconsequential 'chances' that add up to one big miracle, and then when those add up further, it is enough to blow your socks off!
Today was one of those days, yet it started over 7 years ago, far, far away in a crowded food court at an airport with less than 20 tables, (2 chairs per table) in a space for hundreds of people ordering, at one time.
Incident #1:
We were one of the 'fortunate' few who were able to grab a table and two chairs, yet we were so close to our neighbors that when they blinked, you nearly felt their eyelashes!
In this so humble a setting, a couple got up from the table next to us & before I could breathe, a gnarled hand plopped down a passport to 'reserve' the table and vanished! Well, this idea may have worked years ago, but it is NOT the safest or most recommended manner nowadays...
Nevertheless, we were thankful that we were sitting there and not some scoundrel who would have taken off with the passport and sold it on the black market! When the owner of the gnarled hand came back, it was to our great relief, and we expressed that this isn't the best way to reserve a table now. Clearly, she hadn't been thinking along those lines... so starts our conversation with Mrs. X, who had previously been living in a certain nation for a number of years & had recently moved back to where she had been born.
As we spoke about what she had been doing in that country, it was really amazing. When she moved back 'home', she was rather upended & trying to find a balance in a place that wasn't the same, didn't have the same 'type' of people living there, and her church was dwindling with those who had grown up in it, but those who had gone on to reside in the cemetery were more than the congregation.
I had asked the Lord for some inspiration to help Mrs. X, and He gave it! She went to catch her plane with a bounce in her step.
Incident #2:
A few months later, we were on a different terrain & during the break of a conference were speaking with some of the other attendees. When I had asked if they had ever tried some of the methods spoken about with the conference, they had affirmed that they had where they used to live, in a different country, and were now trying the same thing where they lived now.
I have always been curious to know more about others, so after finding out what country they had lived in, I asked if they had ever known Mrs. X. "YES!" was their reply. "Do you know her? How do you know her?" so started the story I briefly stated above. In fact, they had worked with her for quite a while & had been genuinely concerned about her, but were thrilled that she had found more purpose again.
What are the chances, to meet two people, who lived on the other side of the world from the one we met months earlier on happenstance and conversations were struck up with these strangers, who ended up knowing each other??? Pretty high, I would say. But GOD can orchestrate anything!!! He made platypus' didn't He??
Incident #3:
Fast forward now to today...
We live fairly close to the airport, so often we are called to help with what we term as 'airport runs' which consist of driving people from one place to or from the airport. That's fine, we like to drive, and it really helps out people, and we get to meet many people we otherwise never would have.
So I left the house this morning about 6:30 am to pick up some people from a meeting a couple hours away to bring them to the airport.
As we are driving along, I feel God telling me I need to tell this perfect stranger about Mrs. X... "Really?", I think. Did I do it immediately? No, but I asked the Lord to tell me when it should come into place. As the conversations were proceeding, one of the people I was driving used to live in a certain country, and I bet you can guess which one? Yes! "Ok" I thought, "this is my time....". So I just casually asked if this person would have ever heard of Mrs. X.
"Know her? No, I didn't get to know her, but I took her place when she left!!" God incident #1.
"Do you know 'Y' & 'Z'?" She asked. It ends up they are dear friends!
"Well, let me tell you about a story God wanted me to tell you..." and I began to tell the tales.
"Wow, just the fact that you would have even MET Mrs. X is a complete miracle!" they said. "And now here we are, connecting the dots even further!"
Ahhhh, so, this is a life with God-incidences, and yet I think the stories have only begun! :)
Go ahead, dear ones, seek the Lord while He may be found, ask of Him to help you find His plans and stories that will unfold! You may be the only witness, other than God, but He will reveal them!