Our first item of Good News is that Jesus Loves YOU and wants you for His own!! Many view the Gospel as exclusive. Please know that it is NOT exclusive, but SO INCLUSIVE that it is really quite astounding!! Only the enemy (satan - yes, he does exist) twist this truth into people thinking that the complete inclusiveness of God coming to earth to save us (i.e. Christ would love to have everyone sincerely accept Him and go to heaven) twists so that man thinks that this means that God doesn't want anyone to come to heaven. Scripture blatantly says, "1 John 4:9 By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him."
Our second item of good news is that our MINIMUM amount of support has been raised, PTL!!
Now we are encouraging people to help support us to go BEYOND MINIMUM into the "Suggested Amount" of support to get back to Hungary and not only continue with the outreaches, but also get back to language school! We are nearly to the amount required for many one-time costs (language school; tickets to fly back; money for deposits on a rental place again…) So, there is still help needed - is God calling you to help support us through monthly gifts and/or through gifts for departure costs? If so, you can just click on the either of the links to the right of this page with Pioneers or International Ministries and help, starting TODAY!!
Our third item of good news is that we may be able to go back to Hungary as early as mid or late September! We don't have the official word yet, but we are anticipating that any day!
Thank you to so many of you who have housed us, hosted us, planned a meal or event for us to meet others, loved us, give generously to this ministry (we view that EVERYONE who gives, gives generously!), PRAY for us and tell others about what we do!
We will be speaking on the 13th of September to a church in Pasadena, CA, so if you are close by, or know someone who is who would like to be there to hear what God is doing in Hungary, please email us @ Hungry4Jesus@hushmail.com or reply with this blog and we will give you more details.