Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What Joy to be Gathered with the Brethren!

  We have been astounded and encouraged by meeting together this last week with other servants in many lands at a conference with International Ministries.  There are SO many God stories that we have heard and shared. Life that God has worked His heart into, weaving His compassion into compassion for others; Calling unbelievers into the Kingdom of Heaven; Special 'interruptions' into God appointments; Normal life into Life Everlasting; encouraging some who came for a music seminar into looking deeper into their lives and presenting different opportunities to allow them to catch a glimpse of what it's like to serve overseas. Plus, just thinking of the International Ministries' 200th year gathering celebration….. 200 years of missionaries being sent out from the US! Wow!
  This was just a small glance at this past week. Now we head back early to serve with Hungary's largest national outreach (English Camp), with people from Pioneers. It is a bittersweet leaving. We made a commitment to assist them, but we are leaving this conference at a tremendously crucial time for us. Next week is THE WEEK to be here at this conference at Green Lake! We would be able to mingle and meet many people from many churches and regions around the US and Puerto Rico, places that could provide vital prayer support and possibly financial support for us - and we have to leave, trusting God (once again) that He will provide places for us to speak, people for us to meet this coming December through March. This is frustrating, but we are called to honor our first commitment we made.
  Will you pray for us and with us that God will provide fabulous, miraculously wonderful appointments for us? We are below our minimum support, so you can see why this is so important. Language school has come out of our own salary for this last year, we need to upgrade old computer equipment when we go back among many other things, and it looks like Carrie will need to move up a time for her knee replacement.  So, please pray!